Have a good time

An experience

Stéphane Diffels aspires to give you a real good time far and beyond just a good meal. Those who have already come to L’Air de Rien will remember the powerful aromas of a pot-au-feu, the melting ravioli with herbs, the smoking flavour of a trout from Ondenval.

The Chef cooks according to his whims, the seasons and what he finds not far afield. No spices from the ends of the earth — he invents his own condiments.

Feel good

A place

An old stone farmhouse, modernised with raw timber and lime walls. Two bright rooms and a few secret premises, including a lounge where you can end the evening listening to vinyl records.

The (partially glazed) kitchen affords a rare sight: a small team that knows and trusts each other to no end, an unchoreographed and relaxed ballet where each person naturally finds his or her place.

Come in jogging suits or in crinoline, as long as you feel good.

Stéphane Diffels

The chef

Stéphane Diffels doesn’t like to talk about himself too much. In the end, you will find out who he is when you eat what he cooks: open, caring, meticulous, generous, attentive. Shy in real life, he reserves his extravagance for his dishes.

As choosing means eliminating, he has opted for a single set menu. A choice that was not made by default: the meals he serves are journeys built with patience and precision, with a good reason for each stage.

A surpise menu

The set menus

The “let yourself go” set menu (Lâcher prise) (6 courses) : €109

The “Garder le cap” set menu (5 courses) : €90 (from Tuesday evening to Friday noon)

Wines à la carte or “let the sommelier serve you” option: : €50 / 40

Lunch formula at €54 excluding drinks.

An ingredient you don’t like? Wait till the chef cooks it for you! An ingredient you really don’t like at all? The chef is here to please you, not to make you suffer. He adapts to dietary prohibitions and intolerances.

Tell us your wishes when you make your reservation and we will be happy to adapt the Set Menu accordingly. This change of ingredients and preparation may result in a special charge, agreed upon when you book.

The team’s attention to the choice of ingredients is necessarily reflected in the choice of wines. Alongside the great vintage wines, the cellar is teeming with fantastic, affordable wines, born of the passion of vintners who have chosen to work as far away as possible from chemical products and formatted tastes.

Extending the moment


You might not feel like hitting the road again after your meal at L’Air de Rien. The chef has accordingly selected a few establishments where you can prolong the blessed moment of discovery to get away in the region for an evening… it is ever so beautiful and auspicious to suspended time.

Chambres d’hôtes



To view all accommodations in the Esneux area, go to Airbnb.

Practical information

Contact & access

L’Air de Rien
Place du vieux Tilleul 14,
4130 Fontin

Tél. 04 225 26 24